Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear

Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear

In these "strange" days, I have experienced many different emotions... and all with a very strong intensity. The other night I saw, by chance, the legendary film "Inside Out".


Grateful that there was a TV channel that would "lighten" the sense of helplessness.


I felt "joy" in living a unique experience together with 250 other volunteers, which began at 4 in the morning on Carnival Friday in the Porta Venezia area in Milan. In a dramatic moment, full of sadness, anger and fear, I met an Orthodox priest, from the Church of San Gregorio, named, ironically, Don Abbondio or Monsignor Avondios, who in collaboration with a Japanese Buddhist monk and with many many associations of Milan and hinterland has organized the departure of 14 vehicles (!!! 14, between Capozi trucks and private vehicles) full of medicines, food and water.


Gratitude, joy and hope… why?


Because there were so many young people under 30, on a cold morning in Milan, all with a smile and the desire to lend a hand…


Because Don Abbondio left with humanitarian aid trucks, to promote the "Odyssey of Peace". Facts not words


Because social media and technology in 2022 have made it possible to get news in real time and to draw attention to this PACE initiative.

Year of the Water Rabbit

January 22 finally kicked off the Year of the Rabbit or Water Hare, with Chinese New Year celebrations all over the world 🙂

The rabbit is the fourth of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac, after Rat, Ox and Tiger and it’s not coincidence... if you read the legend of the Great Race

The Rabbit occupies the fourth position of the Chinese Zodiac and it is no coincidence. Legend has it that once upon a time the Rabbit was very proud of his speed (and even a little arrogant) and loved to make fun of his neighbor, the Ox, who was much slower.

One day, the Jade Emperor declared that the order of the zodiac would be decided based on the order in which the animals would arrive at his party. The Rabbit left at dawn but, once he arrived on site, he found no other animal. Convinced that he had arrived first, he took a nap, but when he woke up, 3 other animals had already arrived, namely Rat, Ox and Tiger. Just the Ox... that he had made fun of so much!

you can read the legend of the Lunar Rabbit here...

and if you know me, or if you're reading this article on the site, you know how much I am linked to the Moon

Start a year full of hope, growth and evolution, WOW! And for the Chinese it is considered a year of peace. NB: we all count on it 🙂

A year of "break", compared to the last 3 years... a "yin" year, a favorable year for the feminine. A yin attitude towards situations will be the winner (I don't take the "bull by the horns", I don't think about changes overnight, but I focus on acceptance, flexibility and waiting, on the willingness to change where needed and with kindness).

I welcome myself; I am satisfied and I think of my well-being first
