+39 389 6334668

Give me a Feedback

It has always been important to me to receive feedback, both positive and constructive, anytime, anywhere. I ask you for the great gift of dedicating me 2 minutes of your time and giving me yours.

All feedback, both positive and constructive, will be published within 48 hours after a verification of effective personal knowledge


1. Choose an emoticon to describe your direct «experience» with me, where the saddest corresponds to 1 (very dissatisfied) and the happiest to 5 (very satisfied).
2. Tell some details in 5 lines (be specific and be 100% sincere, even negative feedback is welcome because it allows me to learn and change).
3.  Indicate if you met me in the wonderful human resources/training world or in the holistic world/universe.
4. If, and only if you like it, add your photo which will be visible on the site

a big thank youuu
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